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Marketing, Werbung, Websites, Fotobox, Anzeigen & Druckprodukte, Logos, Imagevideos, Fotoshootings, Eventplanung, Facebook Kurse und mehr...

Ihre Marketingagentur in Bitburg, Prüm, Trier, Luxemburg und der Eifel.


Top 10 Ranking SEO SEA Tautges Marketingsagentur Websites Homepage Imagefilme

Suchmaschinenmarketing wird als Oberbegriff für Suchmaschinenwerbung (SEA) und Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) verwendet. Das Ziel des Suchmaschinenmarketings ist es, eine verbesserte Sichtbarkeit in den Suchergebnislisten von Suchmaschinen wie Google zu erreichen. Das ist ausgesprochen wichtig, denn Traffic auf der eigenen Website bedeutet heutzutage bares Geld.

Was ist SEA?

Search Engine Advertising (Suchmaschinenwerbung), kurz SEA, ist eine Komponente des Suchmaschinenmarketings. Bei Suchmaschinenwerbung handelt es sich um bezahlte Werbeanzeigen

in den Suchergebnislisten, die über den klassischen, Suchergebnissen angezeigt werden.


Wie funktioniert SEA?

Um eine Anzeige zu schalten, bucht man zuvor Keywords. Diese bestimmen, bei welchen gesuchten Begriffen die Anzeige geschaltet wird.

Sobald ein Interessent auf eine Anzeige klickt und zur gewünschten Zielseite gelangt, fallen Kosten für den Werbenden an. Dagegen fallen keine Kosten für das reine Erscheinen einer Anzeige auf der Suchergebnisseite an.

Keywording SEO SEA Tautges Marketingsagentur Websites Homepage Imagefilme

Die Kosten pro Klick (CPC) werden

bestimmt durch:

– die Qualität der Website (Qualitätsfaktor)

– den Wettbewerb um ein Keyword

– die Positionierung der Anzeige



Je beliebter ein Keyword ist, desto höher sind die Klick-Preise. Um dem Suchenden die passendste Anzeige zu schalten, vergleicht die Suchmaschine alle in Frage kommenden Anzeigen. Dabei wird der Qualitätsfaktor der Anzeige mit dem maximalen CPC multipliziert und die Werbung mit dem besten Ergebnis wird an erster Position geschaltet. Kampagnen können durch ein Tagesbudget gedeckelt werden, um so die volle Kontrolle über die Kosten zu haben.


Top SEO Ranking mit Tautges Marketing SEO SEA Websites

Search engine marketing is used as a generic term for search engine advertising (SEA) and search engine optimization (SEO). The goal of search engine marketing is to achieve improved visibility in the search result lists of search engines like Google. This is extremely important, because traffic to your own website means hard cash these days.

What is SEA?

Search engine advertising, or SEA for short, is a component of search engine marketing.

Search engine advertising is paid advertisements in the search result lists that are displayed above the classic search results.

How does SEA work?

In order to place an ad, you book keywords beforehand. These determine which terms are searched for in the ad.

As soon as a prospect clicks on an ad and gets to the desired landing page, costs are incurred for the advertiser. On the other hand, there are no costs for the mere appearance of an ad on the search results page.

Keywording SEO SEA Tautges Marketingsagentur Websites Homepage Imagefilme

The cost per click (CPC) will be

determined by:

- the quality of the website (quality factor)

- the competition for a keyword

- the positioning of the display

The more popular a keyword is, the higher the click prices.

In order to show the searcher the most suitable ad, the search engine compares all possible ads.

The quality factor of the ad is multiplied by the maximum CPC and the ad with the best result is placed in the first position. Campaigns can be capped by a daily budget in order to have full control over costs.

Effect of the quality factor

When determining the position, good quality is rewarded. By multiplying the quality factor and CPC, advertisers who are not willing to pay the most but who have the best quality can also be placed high up.

Optimazation Strategy mit Tautges Marketing SEO SEA Websites

Factors influencing the calculation

of the quality factor:
Click rate for the displayed URL
- Quality of the landing page
- Relevance of the ad

Options in the SEA
In addition to the CPC - cost per click - there are other measured variables

CPA (cost per acquisition) - costs per action:

This variant describes the costs for an intended action by a user, for example leaving an email address or purchasing a product. Which "action" is paid for is determined at the beginning of the campaign.

CPM (Cost per Mille) - thousands of contact price:

Here the seller pays for every 1000 impressions of his ad. This happens regardless of whether a user clicks on it or not.

Traffic Growth Tautges Marketing SEA Website

Advantages of SEA:

- Measurable success in the shortest possible time
- Can be implemented quickly
- Customers can be controlled in a targeted manner
- Increases awareness of a website / brand

SEO SEA Suchmaschinenoptimierung Tautges Marketing Eifel Marketingagentur Marketingberatung


We are happy to take care of your online presence together with our experts.

SEO SEA Suchmaschinenoptimierung Tautges Marketing Eifel Marketingagentur Marketingberatung


Landing Page gestalten Tautges Marketing Werbeagentur Websites Eifel

What is SEO
Search Engine Organization, or SEO for short, describes the technical and content optimization of a website with the aim of placing it as high as possible on the search results page. It is important to provide the user with relevant content for his search query.

OnPage and OffPage
There are two types of SEO optimization, including OnPage and OffPage.
OnPage includes all measures that take place directly on the website, such as keyword-optimized content and good internal networking.

The adaptation of headings and texts, as well as captions, etc. is the basis for a successful placement in the search results of all search engines. Technical aspects such as the setup of the server are also part of the OnPage measures. A logical page infrastructure and a fast loading speed have a positive effect on the ranking of the page in the search results.

The OffPage optimizations include all measures that take place outside the website and aim to generate backlinks for the website.

The number and quality of the backlinks are crucial here, so links from trustworthy and topic-relevant sites are important.

The OffPage optimizations strengthen the reputation of a website through qualitative links, such as social media, blogs and forums.

The factors that positively or negatively influence the ranking of a website change over time and become more and more complex.

Search queries
There are three types of search queries that you need to understand in order to tailor your page content to the potential customer.

Navigation searches:

the user wants to go to a specific page /

Homepage, for example: "YouTube"

Informative searches:

the user is looking for useful information, for example: "Population of Germany"

Transaction search queries:

the user is pursuing a purchase intention, e.g.

"Buy cheap car"

The transaction search queries are particularly interesting for companies, since they usually lead to a "conversion", ie these queries are followed by an action. Customers usually already know what they are looking for and only have to complete the purchase or transaction.

SEO Suchmaschinenoptimierung Tautges Marketingagentur Websites Homepage Eifel

Advantages of SEO:

- Long-term and sustainable measures
- Free in itself
- Users click more often on organic than on paid search results

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